FeatureCheck is a feature based machine tool deviation analysis software. It can
process cross grid encoder, double ball bar and co-ordinate measuring machine (CMM)
measurements. Software gives values for quality capability and estimations of specific
deviations in a machine. All the results are stored in a database, which can later be used
for follow-up purposes.
Program uses arcs, vectors and positionings to represent measurement path. These paths can be either built by an own path editor of the program or they can be read directly from a measurement file or even from a design file of a work piece. Measurements are shown to a user in a graph, which has the difference to a target path magnified. This makes it easy to interpret results visually.
Program distinguishes the following deviation types:
Quality capability of a machine tool is described by three different values:
Program prints out a measurement report, which consists all the magnitudes of deviations and quality capability values. It also shows a measurement graph, used features and their parameters. This facilitates documentation of measurements and gives a clear picture of condition of a machine tool to a customer. Different kind of measurement paths have different possibilities to reveal all the deviation types. Program can find out this capability to each measurement path automatically. Measurement and analysis results are stored in Microsoft® Access™ database. Results can later be retrieved from this database for a second time observation. Database is also a basis for long term follow-up of machine tools. User can follow quality capability and deviation types of each machine tool saved in the database. He can either just observe changes in condition of machine tool itself or point out differences between measurement methods. Results are shown in a graph and in a table ordered by time. FeatureCheck Analysis speeds up and focuses processing of machine tool measurements. It uncovers new possibilities in cross grid encoder and CMM measurements: Cross grid encoder measurement can replace time consuming test piece measurement in some cases giving a lot faster feedback to user. Analysis of work piece measurements can on the other hand give continuous feedback of the condition of a machne tool and so give more time to perform necessary actions before any defective parts are produced. In all FeatureCheck shortens total measurement time and still gives more accurate and specific results than before. Download a thesis Method for Analysing Planar Machine Tool Measurements (20.9MB) that describes algorithms and achieved test results. |