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DBB Guidebook - Links

Here below is listed some relevant sites concerning DBB measurements or close to it. If you know some other interesting site, please let us know it too, so we can add it here.

Kakino Laboratory
Kakino developed in late 80's mathematics now behind analysis programs.

Tampere University of Technology - Institute of Production Engineering
We have studied ball bar measurements in practise and developed software for it.

Jim Bryan
Man who invented all this.

Technische Universität Graz - Institut für Fertigungstechnik
IFT has long traditions in research of different kind of machine tool measurements including DBB etc.

Renishaw QC10 ballbar
Ballbar system from Renishaw.

Heidenhain DBB 110
Ballbar system from Heidenhain.

Optodyne LB-500 Ballbar System
Laser ballbar system from Optodyne.

PolarCheck Analysis
Ballbar analysis software from Qplus.

And some other measurement closely related links:

Agilent Metrology Forum

Home page for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, US

International Measurement Confederation, IMEKO

Machine Tool Metrology Home Page, Michigan Technological University

National Physical Laboratory, UK

NIST Manufacturing Metrology